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Policy Hacks

Policy Hacks are cross-sector gatherings designed to solve practical challenges faced by emerging technologies.

New solutions are essential to make progress on climate action. However, they face economic risks, complex regulations, and other operational challenges that make them difficult to scale. Policy Hacks provide a platform for industry innovators to meet with private sector and government peers to collectively identify challenges, co-create solutions, and accelerate implementation.

"By facilitating connections with potential partners, creating access to suitable funding mechanisms or advocating for policy change, we believe it is vital to work hand in hand with the innovations we are accelerating."

Sheikha Shamma bint Sultan bin Khalifa Al Nahyan, President & CEO, UICCA

"Our partnership with the UICCA is a testament to UAE’s vision of being a global leader in sustainability. It was my honour and great privilege for Peec Mobility to have been selected as the first start up to begin the Policy Hack series."  

Zach Faizal, Founder, Peec Mobility

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Join the Next Policy Hack

UICCA is always looking for new partners to lead the climate conversation in the UAE. If you have a climate technology with proven potential, or if you're a leader interested in sustainable solutions, contact our team about joining the next Policy Hack.